Information on the City Transport
This page concerns a city transport in the Czech Republic. On this page you will find both up-to-date information on transport systems in several Czech towns and references to other pages concerning city transport. It also contains general information about city transport. Last revised on the 16th February 2025
Information on the city transport on other pages (in Czech):
- Prague - Traffic company, ROPID
- Bohemia excluding Prague - České Budějovice, Děčín, Havlíčkův Brod, Chomutov, Karlovy Vary, Kladno, Kolín, Mělník, Most, Pardubice, Příbram, Tábor
- Moravia - Brno, Jihlava, Olomouc, Opava, Ostrava, Prostějov, Třebíč, Zlín, ®dár nad Sázavou
- Timetables - Brno, České Budějovice, Děčín, Hradec Králové, Chomutov, Chrudim, Karlovy Vary, Karviná, Klatovy, Liberec, Mladá Boleslav, Most, Ostrava, Pardubice, Plzeň, Praha, Teplice, Třebíč, Ústí nad Labem, Zlín, ®ďár nad Sázavou
- Magazines on city transport - Městská doprava (The City Transport), K-report
- Fan pages - Tramvajklub Brno, Trams in Olomouc, Bus transport, PSH®D, City Transport in Silesia, Klub 293
- Exposition of city transport vehicles at the Technical museum Brno
- List of city transport tariffs in the Czech Republic
- Bahn 3.81 - program for simulation of the tram operation (in English)
Please, send your enquires and suggestions to the e-mail address INFO@DOPRAVA.CX.
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